Career Paths
5 Awesome Careers You Never Knew About

We all have a dream job, but whether it's in sports, entertainment, or science, it seems there are always some days we would rather be somewhere else. If you're one of those adventure-seeking souls who don't wish to stick to a cubicle every day, from 9 to 5, then you might find the right career option for yourself from the given list of exciting careers.
There are some lesser-known yet simply magnetic opportunities.
1. Flavor Chemistry:
The job of flavor chemists is to make good food better. They make fine use of taste, aromas, and aesthetics to bring that extra wow to your regular day food. The domain is closely related to chemistry and requires mixing ingredients to create new flavors/improve existing ones.
Institutions that provide courses for flavor chemistry:
- SRM University
- Indian Institute of Hospitality & Management
- Central Food Technological Research Institute
Certifications, diploma, degree programs
2. Tea Tasting:
Did you ever think that you can make a successful and high-paying career in tasting tea? Tea tasters are expected to taste up to 200 cups of tea a day. Don't be surprised. A professional tea taster also advises on marketing and branding, other than sipping different teas. They even travel around the world to test new products and suppliers.
Institutions that provide courses for tea tasting and management:
- Indian Institute of Plantation Management
- Dipras Institute of Professional Studies
- Assam Darjeeling Tea Research Centre
- Birla Institute of Futuristic Studies
Certifications, diploma, degree programs
3. Forensic Science:
Do you want to solve high-profile crimes by utilizing your scientific method for calculated and detail prediction? If your answer is yes, then you should definitely go for this career option which provides a promising and exciting career.
Institutions that provide courses for forensic sciences:
- LPJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Sciences,
- Institute of Forensic Sciences,
- Osmania University and
- Gujarat Forensic Sciences University
Certifications, diploma, graduate and undergraduates
4. Gerontology:
Gerontology is the biological, psychological, and physical study of aging. They work closely with the elderly community. In a nub, the domain focuses on the social, mental, and physical effects of aging.
Institutions that provide courses for gerontology:
- Calcutta Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology
- Institute of Home Economics
- Ramnarain Ruia College
Certifications, diploma
5. Astrobiology:
Astrobiology combines the knowledge and techniques from many fields, including astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, atmospheric science, oceanography and aeronautical engineering. Have you asked yourself 'is there life beyond Earth'? The field of Astrobiology answers exactly that. Professionals in this field study the origin, evolution and the distribution of life in the Universe and focus on two important questions - Is there life beyond Earth, and if so, how can we trace it?
Institutions that provide courses for astrobiology:
- MP Birla Institute of Fundamental Research
- Indian Institute of Astrophysics
- Indian Astrobiology Research Centre
Certifications, diploma, graduate, and undergraduates
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Nabakishore Panda
Your article is going to impact some' out of box thinking' youngsters looking for something different,yet interesting and challenging.Hope you are sure to get response on this.