Bonaigarh College
Bonaigarh College situated at the headquarters of tribal dominated poverty stricken Bonai Sub-division, has been a source of higher learning for the helpless students of the locality since 1971. Teaching facilities provided by the College are arts, science with honors in several subjects at degree level. It is a matter to rejoice that Bonaigarh College has produced a large number of students most of whom are at present employed in different capacities. NCC, NSS and Red Cross Wings of the College are striving to arouse awareness among local people against dreaded diseases, superstition and environment pollution which are rife in the area. A major attraction of the college is the running of IGNOU study center here. Through this study center, all 1st year students at both +2 and +3 level from the current academic session are inducted to computer literacy program. To the credit of Bonaigarh College, it has the infrastructure to organize university level competitions and meets like inter-college NSS camp of the university. In order to inculcate the spirit of organizing and taking leadership among students there are provisions every yyear for different cultural activities under the able guidance of the teachers. The College is all set to launch self-financing and job-oriented courses, which are the need of the hour.
Facilities at Bonaigarh College:
- Library
- Laboratories
- Hostels
- Scholarship
- Hostel
- Classrooms
- Canteen
- Sports Ground
University - Sambalpur University
Courses Offered:
B.A., B.Com, B.ScContact Detail:
- Nilamani Pradhan
- http://banaigarhcollege.org/
- https://www.facebook.com/BonaigarhCollegeBonaigarh/
- Bonaigarh - 770038, Sundargarh Odisha
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