The Gandhigram Rural Institute
Gandhigram Rural Institute (GRI), founded by two dedicated disciples and contemporaries of Mahatma Gandhi, Dr.G.Ramachandran and Dr.T.S.Soundaram Ramachandran. Since its establishment in 1956, GRI has been unstintingly contributing to higher education and has successfully pioneered rural higher education.
M.Tech. in renewable energy
M.A., M.Sc. M Phil
M.A. Development Administration (5 Year Integrated)
M.A. Sociology (5 Year Integrated)
Other skill development vocational courses
The Institute which is administered by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India and fully funded through UGC, New Delhi has developed academic programs in rural development, rural economics and extension education, rural oriented sciences, co-operation, development administration, rural sociology, English, Tamil and Indian languages.
Facilities Available:
- Library
- Computer Lab
- Centre for E-Content Development
- XRD Facility
- Museum for constructive programme
Courses Offered:
B.Tech. B.A., BBA, B.Com, B.ScM.Tech. in renewable energy
M.A., M.Sc. M Phil
M.A. Development Administration (5 Year Integrated)
M.A. Sociology (5 Year Integrated)
Other skill development vocational courses
Contact Detail:
- Admin
- 0451-2452371, 2452375
- grucc@ruraluniv.ac.in
- www.ruraluniv.ac.in
- The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram - 624 302, Dindigul Tamil Nadu
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