International Management Institute Bhubaneswar
International Management Institute (IMI) Bhubaneswar has the rich legacy of IMI Delhi, which is one of the top runners in management education in India today. International Management Institute (IMI) established in 1981, is India's first corporate-sponsored Business School backed by the well-known and highly respected RP-SG Group.
Business Analytics
Business Communication Skills I & II
Business Mathematics, Business Statistics
Cost & Management Accounting
Corporate Governance & Business Ethics
Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainable Development
Financial Accounting & Analysis
Financial Management I & II
Human Resource Management
Information Technology for Decision Making
Individual Dynamics
International Business
Legal Aspects of Business
Management Information Systems
Managerial Economics
Macroeconomic Theory and Policy
Marketing Management I & II
Organizational Design and Theory
Operation Management I & II
Research Methods for Management
Strategic Management I & II
Elective Courses
Wealth Management and Personal Finance
Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Financial Statement Analysis and Forensic Accounting
Financial Econometrics
Financial Engineering and Risk Management
Business Valuation
International Finance
Management Controls & Strategic Cost Management
Financial Derivatives
Management of Banks
IMI follows international standard curricula, which has been enriched in the past, by its academic collaborations with erstwhile International Management Institute, Geneva; Faculty of Management, McGill University, Montreal; and Manchester Business School, UK.
The school with strong support from the Indian industry has grown into one of the most prestigious Business Schools in the country and has been consistently ranked among the top-10 B-Schools in India.
The Institute offers 2-year full-time AICTE approved and NBA Accredited, PG Diploma in Management and AICTE approved 3-year part-time PG Diploma in Management for Working Executives. Faculty Development Programmes and MDPs regularly feature on the Institute's activities. The Institute has a pool of highly qualified professional having good research and consulting experience.
IMI Bhubaneswar has a world-class infrastructure at the brand new, fully residential 16-acre campus designed by an internationally renowned architect. Cutting-edge technology blended effortlessly with serene and verdant surroundings makes the ambience at IMI Bhubaneswar highly conducive for learning.
The aesthetically designed exterior with wide-open spaces and large well-appointed classrooms, syndicate rooms, multi-use auditoriums, state-of-the-art Library & Computer Centre, self-sufficient MDP Centre with modern Lecture and Seminar Halls are the hallmarks of the new campus.
IMI Bhubaneswar has been ranked 66th in India and 3rd in Odisha by the National Institute of Ranking Framework (NIRF) in their 2019 Ranking.
Course Details:
The course for the PGDM Programme is spread over six trimesters, each trimester being of 11-12 weeks. The first three trimesters are essentially devoted to foundation courses, across core areas of management.
These are aimed at providing the student with the conceptual understanding of the functional areas such as:
a) Basic areas, e.g. Economics and Organizational Behaviorb) Techniques, e.g. Statistics and Research Methodsc) Functional areas, e.g. Marketing and Financed) Integrative areas, e.g. Strategy and International Businesse) Technology, e.g. Management Information Systemsf) Emerging Areas, e.g. Business Analytics and Social Media Analytics
Courses in the 2nd year are designed to offer students an opportunity to pursue their interests in various functional areas. Students will thus have an opportunity to specialize in the functional area of their interest.
A student can specialize in more than one area, the areas being Marketing, Finance, Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management, Decision Sciences & Operations, Information Management & Analytics, and Strategy.
A student also has an opportunity to pursue a Course of Independent Study (CIS) in lieu of an elective, to further his/her interest in a area, subject to meeting the conditions specified for the purpose and reviewed from time to time. An indicative list of elective courses offered during the 2nd year of study is given, which is subject to change.
Courses Offered:
Core courses:Business Analytics
Business Communication Skills I & II
Business Mathematics, Business Statistics
Cost & Management Accounting
Corporate Governance & Business Ethics
Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainable Development
Financial Accounting & Analysis
Financial Management I & II
Human Resource Management
Information Technology for Decision Making
Individual Dynamics
International Business
Legal Aspects of Business
Management Information Systems
Managerial Economics
Macroeconomic Theory and Policy
Marketing Management I & II
Organizational Design and Theory
Operation Management I & II
Research Methods for Management
Strategic Management I & II
Elective Courses
Wealth Management and Personal Finance
Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Financial Statement Analysis and Forensic Accounting
Financial Econometrics
Financial Engineering and Risk Management
Business Valuation
International Finance
Management Controls & Strategic Cost Management
Financial Derivatives
Management of Banks
Contact Detail:
- Prof Kapil Pandla
- 0674- 3042110, 0674-3042119, 0674-3042169
- admissions@imibh.edu.in
- www.imibh.edu.in
- https://twitter.com/IMI_Bhubaneswar
- https://www.facebook.com/IMI-Bhubaneswar-122011397885240/?hc_ref=ARQw3LUUbd7Mj0dzFzGWPLKIx8T6ukzvQd6DCQu0zNvaa7xQIUsm4Fb74vgX-FCCWDA&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBCH4k79potF72nItmbvGALBhOQdFtwhuvzwPHEfWyiWudLuX8YjdqWHYv5VQjrC
- International Management Institute IDCO Plot No. 1, Gothapatna PO: Malipada, Dist.: Khurda Bhubaneswar- 751003, Bhubaneswar Odisha
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