TICO Institute of Embedded Technology
TICO institute of Embedded Technology was Established in the Year 2002. The driving force is an Expert in Embedded Technology since 1995. It is the training Division of Guided Control Systems, a co pioneer in designing and manufacturing customized solution for Process Control Industry. we are the corporate trainer for AIRTEL. At present we are offering many different courses on Embedded technology starting fro the Basic electronics, C Embedded C and 8 bit AT89S52, AVR AT Mega 16, PIC 16f877, PIC 18f4550, 16 Bit Renesas R8cTiny series and RL 78 G13 series and 32 bit Cortec M) for Nuvoton and STM 32 F207 series and On Ardunio IOT based Training and Raspberry PI training . All our Courses are 70 % hand on Practical so the students are prepared for the Industry. we are one of the oldest and experienced training center in North India. Come, Join and see yourself the difference.
Looking forward to seeing you at TICO, a center of Excellence in Embedded.
Courses Offered:
Advance course in basic ElectronicsC, Embedded c programmin
PBT in Embedded using AT89s52
PBT in Embedded using AT Mega 8
PBT in Embedded using PIC 16f 877a
PBT in Embedded using PIC 18 f4550
Professional Training in Embedded using 16 bit Renesas
Professional Training in Embedded 32bit Nuvoton Cortex M0
Professional Training in Embedded 32bit ST Cortex M3
3 Month Advance course in Embedded Technology
Job Oriented 6 Month ADESD
PCB dsiging on Dip Trace
IoT on Ardunio
IoT using Raspberry PI
Contact Detail:
- Jitender Singh Saggu
- 9811150539
- jssaggu@yahoo.com
- www.tico-india.com
- B1/628 3rd Floor, metro Pillar 570, Delhi New Delhi
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