Ram Sahai Rajkeeya Mahavidyalaya
Ram Sahai Government Degree College was established in 1993. it provides the finest preparation for careers in a global world The 21st Century requires rigorous, broad, and imaginative academic training, as well as a profound understanding of what we all share as human beings. Ram Sahai Rajkeeya Mahavidyalaya presents an environment for teaching, training in all areas for the socio-economic development of the country.
As per Uttar Pradesh Government Norms, College imparts economic help to the poor and needy students through scholarships and fees reimbursement such:
National ScholarshipHandicap ScholarshipSC and ST scholarshipOBC ScholarshipScholarship for the General Category Students ( BPL)Minority ScholarshipFreeShip
It opens new ways of studying for many students who cannot afford the education due to economic reasons. Under Section 106 B 110, poor but meritorious students can avail free ship. Students belonging to poor and economic weaker sections can avail complete free ship. This free ship continues on the basis of their performance in the examinations.
Poor Boys Fund
This fund helps those students who belong to below poverty line but meritorious and perform brilliantly in the curricular and extra-curricular activities. This help cannot be extended up to certain limits.
Facilities Available:
Infrastructural facilitiesCo- curricular facilitiesOther Educational FacilitiesAnti Ragging CommitteeWomen’s Grievance Cell
Courses Offered:
Bachelor of Arts (B. A.)Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com.)
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Contact Detail:
- Admin
- 09839262968
- ozairaziz12@gmail.com, rsahaikn27@gmail.com
- http://www.rsgdc.in/
- Ram Sahai Rajkeeya Mahavidyalaya, Bairi, Shivrajpur - 209205, Kanpur Uttar Pradesh
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