Dr. Dhamambal Government Polytechnic College for Women
Dr. Dhamambal Government Polytechnic College for Women, Chennai was established in 1962 is an ISO 9001:2000 certified institute. The college has been established to provide post secondary technical education and training services at the Diploma and Post Diploma levels, to women including women with physical disability who have passed SSLC or Plus Two and who meet the prescribed criteria and norms, for specific minimum and maximum durations, using autonomously developed curriculum and evaluation systems with specified resources and facilities.
- Library
- Laboratories
- Class Rooms
- Internet
- Hostel
- Sports
- Placements
Courses Offered:
Diploma in Civil Engineering, Diploma in Civil Engineering (Environmental Engg.), Diploma in Architectural Assistantship (S.W), Diploma in Garment Technology, Diploma in Modern Diploma in Office Practice, Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Diploma in Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Diploma in Cosmetology, Diploma in Computer Engineering.Contact Detail:
- Principal
- +91 44 - 22542013
- ddgpcw@yahoo.co.in
- CIT Campus, Tharamani, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600113, Chennai Tamil Nadu
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