Career As a Lawyer

A lawyer is a professional and expert of law who fights for the legal rights of his/her client who can be an individual, a group, or a business firm. He/she represents clients in criminal and civil litigation and other legal proceedings, draw up legal documents, or manages or advises clients on legal transactions.The above mentioned are the major categories, but further, the lawyers can be divided into different categories based on their interests like Bankruptcy lawyer, Immigration lawyer, Business/Corporate lawyer, Military lawyer, Real Estate lawyer, family/divorce lawyer, etc. One can choose to specialize in a single area or may practice broadly in many areas.
- Criminal Lawyer: Deal with affairs involving criminal cases like Murder.
- Civil Lawyer: Deal with various kinds of domestic and civil disputes like frauds etc.
Job duties and responsibilities of a lawyer:
- Provide legal advice: The lawyer has to provide valuable advice to his/her client regarding the case and suggest them the best legal way to deal with the case.
- Getting Information: The lawyer has to collect as much as more and detailed information regarding the case, so that he/she can represent the client in court with more strong and positive way.
- Preparing legal documents: Preparing all the legal documents required is also the responsibility of the lawyer.
- Represent Client in court hearings: The lawyer has to represent the client in court hearings and fight his/her legal fight.
- Doing Research for case: The lawyer has to do research about the case and the facts or evidence. S/he has to keep an eye on the activities of the opposition lawyer also, to understand their strategies and prepare him/herself for that.
- Evidence gathering: The lawyer has to collect evidences as much and quick as possible to make the case stronger.
- Maintain confidentiality of the client and case: May times the client has to tell some secret or confidential information to his /her lawyer. So keep them confidential also a lawyer's duty.
- Assist client in legal matters: Assisting client in different legal matters like paying tax, business contracts, transferring assets and preparing will etc.
- Communicate the client: Lawyers should keep their clients informed about the development or status of their case. Communicate with them before making any decision or to gather more information.
To become a lawyer on should have to complete at least the LLB course being run by various universities and law colleges. To be eligible to join LLB (3 years) you should graduate from any discipline or 10+2 to join 5 years integrated LLB course.How to be there?
Every aspirant has to follow the following steps to become a lawyer:1. To become a lawyer, the aspirant has to first posses a degree in LLB (3 years after graduation and 5 years after 10+2).
2. After completion of the LLB, every candidate has to complete the mandatory internship as per the norms of the institutions.
3. After that, one has to enroll himself/herself as an advocate in any of the State Bar Council regulated by the Advocates Act, 1961.
4. After enrolment, they are allowed to do practice in any of the courts in the country.
In the beginning, you should join any law firm, or any famous senior lawyer to assist to gain experience and knowledge. It will help you a lot in boosting up your career and getting ahead in completion.
Skills Required
To become a good and successful lawyer one should posses following skills:1. Good Communications skills
2. Presentation skills
3. Logical reasoning
4. Active listening
5. Problem solving skills
6. Quick Responsiveness and excellent Memory
7. Knowledge of all statutes, rules and regulations, and notifications
8. General Investigation/Research Skills
9. Organization / Management Skills
10. Reading and writing
11. Negotiation
Who should choose this career?
For those individuals who have exceptional communication skills, problem-solving skills, good listening, and a learner, this is an ideal career. Moreover, lawyers must be able to work under pressure and meet strict deadlines. A person with analytical and practical-minded who can keep calm in any situation and can find solutions should consider a future in this career.Salary
If you are working with a law firm, then the salary will depend on the firm, your experience, and your specialization. If you are working as an individual, then it's up to you. If you have experience, won cases in the past and have a very good reputation, then you can ask for a higher fee for the case, but if you are a beginner then you should first focus on getting experience and making a good reputation.There are lawyers who charge Rs. 5 lakhs to 15 lakhs or more for one appearance in court.
If you are working as a government lawyer then your salary will be as per the government rule and regulations.
Pros and Cons
Pros:1. Professions in the law are established and respected
2. Variety (different clients, different cases and situations)
3. Good Salary
4. Got new things to learn
1. Sometimes very stressful and long working hours
2. Sometimes dangerous too, as criminals send threats
3. Very competitive
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