5 Best Skills You Should Have To Get Jobs In 2023

What you need to know about the future of work is that technology has affected every industry. From medicine to finance, each one has gone through an immense change in the past decades. Steam education focuses on skill development; there are many camp activities for kids. The changes are only going to accelerate.
The breaking news is that having a degree from a reputable university is not enough for you to be hired. In fact, the most sought-after universities in 2023 are those that offer students courses on robotics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.
Also Read: 5 Skills for a Front-end Developer Career
Where all these will lead is anyone's guess at this point - but one thing we can bank on is that it'll change our daily work routines in some capacity. The demand for the future job market is constantly changing, with new technologies constantly being developed and older ones becoming obsolete.
Here are 5 skills that you should have to be able to get a job in 2023:
Critical Thinking and Leadership Skills
The top 10 upcoming jobs in 2023 are all high-paying, high-skill ones that require critical thinking (problem-solving) abilities. The reason is simple. In the coming years, people will need to be problem solvers to thrive at work. In fact, critical thinking is seen as a top skill for 2020 by 77% of recruiters. The good news is that anyone can develop it. Either they'll be responsible for a team, or the whole office function without supervision.
So what will distinguish you from your peers? You guessed it right - leadership skills. That's because 82% of recruiters believe that good leaders are hard to find in the talent pool today. And this number is only set to increase in the future.
Of course, an office environment can't function without a team that works together. Collaboration is a key input in the future of work – and it'll only continue to be so!
Machine Learning & AI Knowledge
Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed. It involves taking data - such as images, video, and audio - and using algorithms to parse that information into something useful. Putting it simply, machine learning will be the new electricity. Of course, the artificial intelligence (AI) that it enables is not to be taken lightly; according to this article, AI will actually outperform humans at image and voice recognition by 2020 - making it very valuable in myriad fields.
If you have knowledge in these two areas, it greatly increases your chances of being employed. Entry-level jobs for those with AI and machine learning knowledge are already well paying – though not as much as the job market in 2023 will be offering.
Cloud Security Skills
The cloud is an integral part of modern computing; practically every organization and business is using some form of cloud computing in one way or another. Securing and protecting the data in the cloud will be a valuable skill in 2023, and many professionals in this field can expect their salaries to increase by 22% over the next few years.
A good way to start is by taking a course in cloud computing security, which will equip you with vital knowledge in this respect.
Cognitive Science [Psychology, Neuroscience] Abilities
According to, companies are more than willing to pay top dollar for skills in neuroscience and psychology. Big data is becoming increasingly important, with many companies now having entire departments dedicated to understanding user behavior. While this field may seem esoteric to some, it will be invaluable in 2023 if you are able to apply the scientific method to deeply understand your customers and create better products for them.
Data Analytics and Digital Marketing Knowledge
With more data being produced now than ever before, it is becoming increasingly important to know what you can do with all this information. Data analytics professionals are able to take these huge volumes of data and turn that into something actionable - a skill that will be in high demand as more companies adopt a 'big data first' mindset.
A background in digital marketing will be an invaluable skill in 2023. The ability to manage and track data is everything, and having this knowledge under your belt can mean a salary bump of 26.5%. It's all about knowing what you're doing and how to do it well - and that takes experience and training, which may come from online courses such as this comprehensive list of Udemy courses on digital marketing.
Closing thoughts
If you plan to apply for a job in 2023, it would be good to invest some time and money into developing these skills. The world is changing fast, and if you don't keep up with the times - your competition will!
While we're not quite there yet, I believe that by 2023 the world will be a very different place. We are on the cusp of some truly monumental changes, and one can only imagine how that will affect the job market.
I hope you found this article useful! If you did, please share it with someone who might benefit from having these skills - both now and in the future. Thanks for reading
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