Higher Education
B.Tech Distance Education in India - A Quick Look

Distance learning is a relatively new form of rendering education for people who cannot be physically present and attend classes regularly. This mode of learning is mainly opted by those, who are presently working in an organization on a full-time basis and at the same time, desire to go for further studies mainly for professional benefits.
Sir Isaac Pitman is considered to be the pioneer of distance education. For the present time which is ruled by cutting-edge science and technology, no distance is considered a distance and this has made it very conducive to distance learning.
B.Tech or The Bachelor of Technology is an engineering degree belonging to the undergraduate level which is bestowed by a university after the successful completion of the four-year course. It is also called B.E or BEng by some universities, however, there is no difference in the course curriculum. Today numerous colleges and universities in India offer B.Tech distance education in India for working engineers.
Significance of B.Tech in Distance Learning:
Distance learning programs are quite popular these days due to the factor that there is a growing trend of increasing academic credentials while working. Because gaining an additional degree enhances the chances of promotion as well as a better offer from a better organization.
But it is not at all possible for very obvious reasons to attend regular courses while working. So the only plausible option is the distance mode of education. Due to the flexible and convenient scheduling structure, it does not affect the time constraint of the working people. And in the era of incredible advancement in science and technology which has given us powerful tools such as the internet and emails the barrier of distance has virtually disappeared.
Today online education enables students to be part of a virtual classroom sitting in the comforts of his/her bedroom. It is also cost-effective compared to the traditional way of education.
For all these benefits B.Tech distance education in India is so popular and sought after at the present time. It is a matter of fact that today it is possible to undertake most academic courses in distance mode.
Approval from Concerned Authority:
B.Tech in the distance education mode is recognized by the joint committee consisting of the University Grant Commission (UGC), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), and Distance Education Council (DEC).
And the distance B.Tech courses authorized by them are -
- Mechanical
- Computer Science
- Electrical
- Electronics & Telecommunication
- Civil
- Chemical
An important caution:
It would be worth mentioning in this connection that there are some institutes that offer distance B.Tech as well as other distance courses without having proper accreditation. The validity of their certificate is not accepted in most places. So it is not at all advised to go for such institutes thereby putting your credibility and career at stake.
B.Tech distance colleges
There are numerous colleges in India that impart the B.Tech course in the distance mode. The names of some of them are provided below -
These are just the names of some of the recognized institutes that offer distance mode B.Tech. There are many other such institutes whose names could not be mentioned due to space constraints.
- Babasaheb Ambedkar Institute of Technology & Management, Delhi
- Delhi Institute of Technology and Paramedical Science, Delhi.
- Indian Institute of Management and Engineering Studies, Hyderabad.
- Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Pune.
- Aditya College of Engineering and Advance Studies,Gujarat.
- Dhanbhantari College of Engineering, Nashik.
- Prince Institute of Innovative Technology, Delhi.
- Y.M.C.A University of Science and Technology, Delhi - 121001.
- Indira Gandhi national Open University, Delhi.
- Andhra University, Andhra Pradesh.
- Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad.
- Jain Vishva Bharati Institute, Rajasthan.
Finally, it can be concluded that the distance mode of education in the case of B.Tech and any other course whatsoever can be very convenient for those individuals engaged in full-time employment.
It is indeed a valuable experience of "learning while earning." And in order to cater to such requirements, many universities are coming up with distance courses to keep pace with the demands of the present time. However prior to taking admission to any of the distance education colleges, one should make sure that it is duly recognized by the relevant authorities failing which the validation of your degree may turn null and void making all your investment and effort a sheer waste which is never desired.
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Thank you so much for taking the time for you to share such a nice information
Sk Saddam hossain
I want to do b tech in civil engineer course .
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